Web Tech - Wordpress Security: Don't Panic!

If you have a WordPress blog or website, WordPress security must be an issue for you. I'm sure you must have heard about hackers attacking blogs and websites of other people. The damage done by them can be enormous, especially when the particular blog was high page ranked, displaying high in search engines and profitable. It is not the only type of websites attacked by hackers. The reasoning behind their acts can't be explained as logical. They will destroy it for fun. I know stories of people who one day, instead of their website saw a short note informing them that their website has been blocked by Google due to the thread it carries to other internet users. It was a result of hacker attack, who made changes to the website.

Allow me to shoot a scare tactics your way since scare tactics seem to be what drives some people to take fix hacked wordpress a little more seriously, or at least start thinking about the issue.

An easy way to keep WordPress safe would be to use a few tools that are built-in. First of all, do not allow people run a web host security scan to list the files in your folders and automatically backup your web hosting account.

For me it's a WordPress plugin. They're drop dead simple to set up, have all the functions you need for a task such as this, and are relatively cheap, especially when compared to having to hire someone to get this done for you.

Along with adding a secret key to your wp-config.php file, also think about altering your user password to something that is strong and unique. A great tip is to avoid common phrases, use upper and lowercase letters, and include numbers, although wordPress will tell read this you the strength of your password. It's also a good idea to change your password frequently - say once every six months.

The plugin should be updated play nice, to stay current with the latest WordPress release and have WordPress and restore capabilities. The ability to clone your website (along with regular copies ) can be useful if you ever want to do an offline site redesign, among other things.

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